Universal Basic
Education can be described as the level, type, and form of learning needed to
build a strong foundation for literacy and numeracy, to inculcate basic life
skills, and, more importantly, to consolidate the skills of learning. This
study is to assess the effect funding on the attainment of Basic Education in
Kano State. The study employed the organizational systems theory by Daniel Katz
and Robert Khan (1966) because it is more suitable for the study, the study
adopted concurrent mixed method design, which combined qualitative and
quantitative aspect of the research. The target respondents of this study
comprises primary and junior secondary school teachers, SUBEB chairman, PTAs
chairmen, SBMC chairmen and education secretaries which made up of a total
population of 7, 040, The sample size of 364 for this study was determined by
using Krejcie & Morgan’s (1970). Data for the study were generated from
both primary and secondary sources. Both
descriptive and inferential statistics were used in presenting and analyzing
the data. The study discovered that the budget for basic education was adequate
and impressive, but the actualization of the budget hinders the effective
delivery of basic education. The study recommends that the amount budgeted should
be implemented properly in order to achieve free and compulsory education in
the state.
Keywords; Assessment,
Funding, Delivery, Basic Education.
DOI: www.doi.org/10.36349/fujpam.2024.v3i02.009
author/Ibrahim, N.T., Man, K., Istifanus, H., Mohammed, I. & Fagge, M.M.
journal/FUJPAM Vol. 3, No. 2