study investigates the impact of contextual stress factors on employee
performance in the Inter-country Centre for Oral Health (ICOH) for Africa, Jos,
a parastatal of the Federal Government of Nigeria. The organization,
established in 1988 in collaboration with the World Health Organization,
focuses on research, training, and demonstration activities in oral health for
46 African member countries. The study population comprises 91 staff members,
and data were collected using a structured questionnaire with a 5-point Likert
scale. The analysis includes Pearson correlation and regression analysis to
examine the relationship between time pressure, poor working conditions, long
working hours, job instability, and employee performance. The findings reveal
significant correlations between contextual stress factors and employee
performance. Specifically, time pressure, poor working conditions, and job
instability negatively impact employee performance, while long working hours
have a mixed effect. Regression analysis further confirms these relationships,
highlighting the importance of addressing contextual stress factors to improve
employee performance in ICOH for Africa. The study recommends implementing
stress management programs, improving working conditions, addressing long
working hours, promoting job stability, fostering a supportive organizational
culture, and monitoring interventions to enhance employee well-being and
organizational performance.
Keywords: Stress, Stress Management, Employee Performance, Contextual factors
DOI: www.doi.org/10.36349/fujpam.2024.v3i01.001
author/Idris, I., Abdulkarim, S.B., Idris, M. & Odoh, A.
journal/FUJPAM Vol. 3, No. 1